Avrij is where AI and sports meet.

Avrij's cutting-edge AI system uses language analysis to provide sports teams with valuable insights into draft-eligible prospect mindset. Our unique approach helps teams make better draft decisions, leading to a more successful team on and off the field.

Our team has years of experience in sports analytics and AI. We're passionate about helping sports teams build winning teams and achieve their goals. Our system is constantly updated to reflect the latest developments in AI and sports analytics.
AI Meets Sport

Language Analysis

By analyzing the language patterns of prospects during interviews, we identify key indicators of their mindset, including confidence, motivation, and decision-making ability.

Our cutting-edge AI platform is based on years of research and is constantly updated to reflect the latest developments in AI and sports analytics, ensuring that you have access to the most advanced scouting tools available.

Language Analysis

Meet Our Experts

Avrij is a team of experienced sports analytics professionals with years of experience in sports analytics and AI, and passion for improving the way teams evaluate prospects.

Our team includes experts in language analysis, data science, and sports management. We have a deep understanding of the sports industry and are dedicated to helping teams make better decisions.

Our Team

AI-Powered Mindset Assessments

At Avrij, we utilize cutting-edge natural language processing (NLP) technology to analyze language patterns and uncover key insights into a prospect's mental attributes.

Our advanced AI algorithms are specifically designed to identify linguistic features that are associated with confidence, motivation, and decision-making ability.

By analyzing factors such as word choice and sentence structure, we can provide teams with valuable insights that can help them make more informed draft decisions.

AI Powered Mindset Assessment
The Science
Our system uses machine learning algorithms to analyze large datasets of language samples and identify patterns and correlations between linguistic features and mindset. It then uses this data to build a predictive model that can accurately evaluate a prospect's mindset based on their language use.

By analyzing language patterns associated with specific mindset, the system provides sports teams with unique insights into a prospect's mindset and helps them make better draft decisions.
The Math
The language algorithms are trained on a large dataset of language samples and is able to identify patterns and correlations between specific linguistic features and mindset.

Our AI is based on natural language processing (NLP), which deals with the interactions between computers and human language. NLP involves the use of computational algorithms to analyze and understand human language.
The language features and patterns that are identified through these techniques are then used to build a predictive model that can accurately evaluate a prospect's mindset based on their language use.
The model is then tested on a new set of language samples to evaluate its accuracy and refine its predictions. Over time, the model becomes increasingly accurate as it is exposed to more language samples and is able to identify more subtle mindset traits.

You have Questions, We have answers!

How does Avrij's language-based assessment tool work?
What kind of mental attributes can Avrij's tool identify?
Is Avrij's technology scalable for use with large numbers of prospects?
How does Avrij benchmark prospects against pro players?
How can Avrij's language-based analysis help teams make better draft decisions?
How does Avrij's language-based analysis differ from traditional scouting methods?